
Blog about the “Fam ” Part 2: 
Nate is my second born and oldest son. When he was just a tiny boy the Lord laid two things on my heart. One, that he had a warriors spirit and two, that he felt things very deeply.

Last trip to Chicago for treatment with his Dad.

When he was just 10 days old he became very sick and was hospitalized with RSV. At that time it was very uncommon and it was the first time I actually heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart.  As a Mama of a new baby I was very scared and the doctor we were using was not accustomed to practicing at the hospital we were using. This was causing a bit of unrest, because the medicine he was prescribing was not one the staff there would have chosen. I still remember receiving a”random” phone call in the hospital room from a casual friend who had heard we were there. This person just happened to know about this medicine and had heard of its success. She was able to relieve any doubts I had in my mind at the time, and I knew that the Lord had gone before us. 
Nate was a fighter and he has been ever since. 
He challenged me daily with his strong opinions and independent spirit. He brought me to the end of myself again and again. He brought me to the perfect place, the throne of God. 

Wedding “sibling love.”

I look back on those days and marvel at the Lord’s faithfulness. So many days I would fall to my knees by his bed at night, begging the Lord for wisdom and praying over him the godly attributes I wanted him to walk in. I felt like I had no clue what I was doing, but I knew God knew what HE was doing.
At about 13 years of age I was beginning to see glimmers of fruit being born. But let’s face it, he was 13! The struggle was real! The Lord had a perfect plan though. He was planning on using a very difficult thing for Nate’s good. We were on a family vacation for a week at the lake when a boating accident involving a tube caused Nate to break his leg terribly. I can still feel my heart pounding the way it was the moment my husband and I raced to the dock and saw Nate’s ankle positioned at an odd angle pointing the complete opposite direction. It was a rough 45 minutes to the nearest emergency room followed by a 3.5 hr drive to Children’s Hospital in Little Rock.
I watched my strong, fighting boy weep in pain over the next few weeks and fight for joy. We prayed and tried not to worry when the doctor didn’t know if his leg would heal completely and watched Nate press into the Lord and find out He was real! 
Over the next few years Nate did heal completely with a big scar to remind him of the Lord’s faithfulness. He played amazing football and even became a great kicker with that foot! He became completely sold out and devoted to Jesus.  He spent hours in his room with his guitar praising his Savior.
That experience and walking through this last year with his Daddy’s battle with brain cancer, as well as a medical mission trip led Nate to choose to pursue medicine.

Medical mission trip.

The past couple of years the Word of God has become Nate’s true daily bread. The Lord has risen him up as a protector of his family, a lover of those lost and wandering and a truth speaker and intense pursuer of all things good and pure.
He is a freshman in college. A former soccer player, black belt and football player. His work ethic learned at his Daddy’s side is relentless but is balanced by how he loves nothing more than to be with his family! I praise God for the strength God has filled him with.

                       Uncle Nate with Ava.

4 Replies to “Untitled”

  1. Hey there!
    I just found your blog. I must say I am always blow away by your family and their/your dedication to God. I think that is what drew me to you guys in the first place, I needed your influence in that time on my life. You, Alan and most definitely Abby, Nate, Jake and Emma have made a huge impact in my life and I am happy to be counted among your family. I wish distance did not separate us now, but I know we will see each other again. I wish you and your only the best for the future. Love always

  2. Thank you Kyle for your sweet encouragement! You ARE family, and always will be no matter the distance! Love you all! – Tara

  3. Tara, so sweet to see this here; such a powerful testimony to the word of God.
    for the last few years, I have had the honor of reading your posts, seeing your pictures and being encouraged by what all y’all have to say; including, most recently, your new podcast. (love by the way)

    I want you to know that just this last Sunday, the elders at our church have put not just you, but your whole family on our “Frequent Prayer List”(a selection of people that we pray encouragement, blessing, truth, wholeness and joy over)
    I tell you this so that you can know, that even on your most hearing days, there are people clear across the country, who are praying you through.
    And as you so often say, “you, dear one, are not alone”

  4. So sweet Joy! Thank you for your faithful prayers! They are a gift!

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