Cobbler, coffee, and the Voice of Truth.

“I knew I wouldn’t break! ” These words have resonated in my spirit all evening! Words spoken to me by a dear lady who has walked this road of grief, the same one  I am walking,not too long ago. She will send me a random message fairly often to shower us with her love in the form of amazing food, like the above fruit cobbler! (Isn’t that absolutely beautiful?) It is a true expression of the love of the Father continuing to pour out upon us. She remembers that we aren’t at the end of the road but rather we have just rounded the bend and are facing more steep grades ahead.
I asked her today, ” How did you do it? What did you think about or remind yourself of immediately after? ” She responded, I knew where my strength came from and I knew I wouldn’t break! I would hurt like the dickens! But, I knew I wouldn’t break! ” I can’t even begin to tell you how this ministered to me. When trials come our way, what do you think the enemy wants us to believe? He always wants us to believe the opposite of what the Lord wants us to believe.
*He wants us to think that we are overwhelmed and overcome by our circumstances!
Truth: ” Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened in death? No! Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” ( Rom.8)
One of my personal favorites and name of this blog…
Truth: “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.…That is why we never give up! Though are bodies are dying our spirits are being renewed day by day! “( 2 Cor. 4)
Truth: “He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.” ( Isaiah 42:3)
I don’t know what lies the enemy may be speaking to you or what the road looks like on this part of your journey. It may be smooth and the sun may be shining where you are. If so, ask the Lord who you can bless and how. We have been blessed by so many people! Some of the sweetest have been random cobblers, our favorite drinks from Midnight Oil given again and again, a sweet note tucked in the mail.
Don’t underestimate the power of a sportea on a sunny day or a hot woodsman when the skies are filled with rain and your soul is too! We are so thankful!
If your path is steep and filled with rocks blocking your way. Go to the TRUTH my friend! For every thought that brings you down and holds you captive, confront it with His Word.
It is powerful and effective dear ones, sharper than any double edged sword, able to divide soul and spirit. It can lay your heart bare and pluck out the lies from the enemy of our soul so that it can be filled with healing power of the Voice of Truth.
Pray, fill your house with praise music, take a walk , take a deep breath and remember, ” You will not break! ”

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