He chose you.

Three powerful words. He chose you! (1Thess. 1:2) This was the last part of our verse yesterday but oh beloved I couldn’t go on! How could we keep going without noticing the power of those three words? We all know what an incredible feeling it is to be chosen! And if you are thinking to yourself, “ Well actually I can’t remember every being chosen for anything!” Then think again beloved in a world where even life is a choice, someone years ago, chose to give birth to you. Praise God! And even before that God chose to give you life on this earth and in Him. 
     Ephesians tells us that He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world , that we would be holy and blameless before Him. Colossians tells us that we have been chosen by God and that we are holy and beloved. 
     Have you ever felt unqualified for something? I have, many times, but then I remember God has chosen the weak things of this world to shame the things which are strong and he has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. It doesn’t matter what the world considers wise and strong we know that through Jesus and only through Him we can be strong and wise. It is this way so that we can only boast in Him.
So not only has He chosen us and made us wise and strong in Him. He has also declared us to be a royal priesthood and a holy nation. 

A few days ago I was sharing with you the scripture that my husband, Alan, always prayed that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened so that we would know what is the Hope of His calling. It is not coincidence that this morning in my Women’s Bible study our leader shared how she was praying about this verse and asking what it meant to have your heart enlightened. While she was out walking that day the Lord drew her attention to all the daffodils that were blooming and he reminded her that they always droop their heads forward. He also reminded her that their scientific name is narcissus,the root of that word means to be in a stupor or sleep. I love how our God is so personal. How beautiful that He would remind us that to be enlightened is to ” wake up”, to  lift up our heads from ourselves and our own circumstances and see Jesus who is our Hope and strength and be refreshed and enlightened. To fix our gaze on Him and believe that He is more than enough and He is mighty to save!

So I leave you with this beloved, 
“But you are a chosen race,a royal priesthood,a holy nation,a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who had called you out of darkness into His marvelous light!” (1Peter 2:9)
Not only have you been chosen but he chose you so that you would proclaim Him to others. He called you out of the darkness, so that you would “wake up” and hope and share that hope with a perishing world. 
So I declare it to myself and to you dear ones, “Let’s wake up because He chose us.” 

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