Thanksgiving is upon us and maybe like me you want this season we are ushering in to be MORE. With every passing year, I feel the holy hush enter my soul just a bit earlier. It’s more than just the upcoming holidays filled with family, food and friends. It’s the general lifting of so many […]
New Beginnings
How to Help Your Children With Transition.(Blog Swap)

As a part of my Summer Blog Swap, I am so happy to welcome Dorina Gilmore to the blog. She walked her own brave road as a widow and I had the honor of getting to meet her in California a few weeks ago, although we have talked for months as ”writing friends.” She has […]
When You’re Ready to Let That Wound Heal. (Blog Swap)

As part of a Blog Swap I am doing with a few of my fellow writers for the month of July, I am so happy to welcome Lea Turner to the blog. I know you will love her heart and her words. Take heart beloved. The Lord wants to heal those wounds as much as […]
A Truth to Savor When You Need Direction.

I read this verse the other day and I was stuck. I couldn’t go on until I soaked in every bit of it’s life giving truth. “The Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to lead them on their way during the day and in a pillar of fire to give them […]
- Hope
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How To Move Forward, When Life Feels Broken Beyond Repair.

When my beloved husband went to Heaven at the age of 45, I felt like life as I knew it was over and I couldn’t imagine how to step forward. In fact, it felt like my own heart had stopped beating with his. But the ache didn’t lie. I was still here with four children […]
Only in Dying Can We Live.

Remember the parable of the sower? I remember hearing it for years and thinking, “ Well, I am a believer so I must have good soil in my heart.” That immediately ended anything good I could glean from hearing the Word and applying it to my heart. Beloved, as long as we are living it’s […]
He Still Moves Stones

After a month or more of too many feelings and not enough words, I felt the Spirit’s excavating presence. We survived. We made it through the month of Alan’s birthday and home going. It was 2 years ago that we walked away from the cemetery and retreated to the beach, to walk the shores and […]
- Hope
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Learning to Breathe Again.

New beginnings and new seasons often begin with a new year. Just like clockwork ours did too. After a night of board games and egg nog, we found ourselves in a cold, sterile ER. What we thought was a stomach bug that was dehydrating my husband was a large mass pressing on his brain. While […]
- New Beginnings
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Before You Ring in the New Year!

I grabbed my stocking cap, pulling it snug over my ears and stepped outside. Pulling my gloves from my pocket I inhaled deeply. “There’s nothing like the crisp clean air of winter,” I thought. Still, the temperature had dropped and it took everything in me to brave the cold. Walking around the bend I passed […]