In a world that is all about knowing “who we are” and finding our identity, I realized something today. It doesn’t matter if I know who I am if I don’t know who my God is. Knowing who my God is changes everything. It will change how I interact with Him. It will change my […]
Finding Jesus In The Nooks and Crannies.

We were walking along the harbor in Beaufort, South Carolina. Well, I was walking, Ava was dancing. The sun was just beginning to set, casting a glow of golden light shimmering across the waters. I found myself sharing with Ava,”It’s beautiful! Look at the beautiful water God gave us, Ava!” Yesterday, it was a spontaneous […]
The Treasures Around Us.

It’s paradise, they say, or at least as close as you can get to it! Looking around it would seem so! The vegetation is so lush all around you, every shade of green broken up my bright pinks, creamy whites and bold reds. Sitting on this balcony gazing out at the blue waves that stretch […]
I Will Not Be Shaken

It’s mid July. Summer’s heat can feel oppressive, it can be that one last straw on the camel’s back. When you are walking through a difficult season of life each “straw” can be monumental. Small things can turn the tide of your day. I have seen it in my own heart and in others. My […]
His Right Hand Held Me.

Have you ever felt like the promises of God are for everyone but you? I was reading in the Psalm this morning and came across Psalm 77, that stilled my hand from turning the page. It was as if David had transcribed the very thoughts and struggles I had in my own mind after my […]
Will it be Faith or Fear?

I’m a little uncomfortable writing this. You see fear is something I have always struggled with. It loves to raise it’s ugly head at me again and again. So, I am no expert on overcoming this rather I am one who gets to exercise this faith muscle often. I know I am not alone in this […]
Do You Ever Feel Like God Has Forgotten You?

The countdown has begun. Not that I am actually counting, but I know that it’s less than a week to the one year anniversary of Alan going home and his birthday the following day. That and another family heartache has been weighing heavily on my mind. I stumbled down the stairs this morning made my […]
Cultivating A Heart of Thanksgiving.
Every November the landscape changes just a bit. I’m not talking about how the trees start to shed their glorious leaves but rather the fabric of our thoughts and conversations start to alter. We begin to share the things we are thankful for on social media. We talk about abundance of food, family and good […]
Water in their face and Pharaoh at their back… But God.

I woke up this morning and my heart was so heavy, I felt a bit like the children of Israel standing at the brink of the Red Sea. The waves ahead seemed so high and yet they were right smack dab in the middle of the rescue. I wonder when they were facing […]
Anchored in Christ.

It’s noisy outside isn’t it? Come away with me for just 5 minutes, a brief time out if you please because I cannot wait to give you some good news! I love this verse because when you are in the trenches beloved, you need a verse to hang your hat on! I need […]