Well, we’re officially into the new year and I think we can all see there was no magic reset button to bring all things back to normal. But here’s what I’ve learned in the last six years beloved. NORMAL is overrated. Six years ago today, we stumbled out onto Michigan Avenue after doctors told us […]
Anchoring Your Heart: How to find peace in a season of change.

I am caught somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am in the “Season of Change” perhaps you are too. Christmas is over at our house but you can bet I’m going to keep every light and bit of greenery up for a good long while! You see, my son came home from Marine bootcamp at […]
Do You Ever Feel Like God Has Forgotten You?

The countdown has begun. Not that I am actually counting, but I know that it’s less than a week to the one year anniversary of Alan going home and his birthday the following day. That and another family heartache has been weighing heavily on my mind. I stumbled down the stairs this morning made my […]
Why It’s Okay to Feel Sadness In the Midst of Hope.

I have been feeling something coming on. You know that feeling you have when you feel like your about to get a cold. Well, I had that this week but it wasn’t physical. I felt it deep in my spirit, in my heart. (This isn’t fun beloved. However I told you that I […]