Well, we’re officially into the new year and I think we can all see there was no magic reset button to bring all things back to normal. But here’s what I’ve learned in the last six years beloved. NORMAL is overrated. Six years ago today, we stumbled out onto Michigan Avenue after doctors told us […]
Knowing my God > Knowing Myself.
In a world that is all about knowing “who we are” and finding our identity, I realized something today. It doesn’t matter if I know who I am if I don’t know who my God is. Knowing who my God is changes everything. It will change how I interact with Him. It will change my […]
What is Holding You Back?
I took a month off podcasting to step back and breathe. As you can see from the date of the last blog post that’s where I’m spending most of my time. You can find similar content to my blogs over at “Seek and Savor, ” on iTunes and other places you tune into your favorite […]
Love for the Fatherless Ones.
Father’s Day. It should be such an easy holiday, right? A barbecue, a tie, a homemade card. It wasn’t for me and isn’t for so many and yet now, more than ever, I see the need to celebrate Fatherhood. The work these men are called to is holy. It’s one only they can do. As […]
The State Of Our Hearts.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, I want to be so intentional. In our family this day has always been so simple. Some chocolates for our children, some flowers for me from my husband and a special home cooked meal. Since I was raised by a single mama, the kids and I would often take flowers to […]
Thanksgiving Is Rooted In Receiving.
Thanksgiving is upon us and maybe like me you want this season we are ushering in to be MORE. With every passing year, I feel the holy hush enter my soul just a bit earlier. It’s more than just the upcoming holidays filled with family, food and friends. It’s the general lifting of so many […]
How to Change Your Default from Stress to Joy!
I was standing in the park the other day, in California, watching my granddaughter play with another child in a giant sandbox. All of a sudden they decided a “snail hunt” was the next thing to do. They wandered in and out among some small trees and bushes and I moved to be able to […]
A Truth to Savor When You Need Direction.
I read this verse the other day and I was stuck. I couldn’t go on until I soaked in every bit of it’s life giving truth. “The Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to lead them on their way during the day and in a pillar of fire to give them […]
- Hope
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How To Move Forward, When Life Feels Broken Beyond Repair.
When my beloved husband went to Heaven at the age of 45, I felt like life as I knew it was over and I couldn’t imagine how to step forward. In fact, it felt like my own heart had stopped beating with his. But the ache didn’t lie. I was still here with four children […]