Darkness. Waiting. Feelings of doubt and despair but also the mere bubbling up of a hope not yet dead… The earth trembles, the tomb shakes, and no amount of darkness can hold back the light … the life of CHRIST! It can’t stop there beloved! As this weekend started drawing to a close, my […]
Knowing my God > Knowing Myself.

In a world that is all about knowing “who we are” and finding our identity, I realized something today. It doesn’t matter if I know who I am if I don’t know who my God is. Knowing who my God is changes everything. It will change how I interact with Him. It will change my […]
Love for the Fatherless Ones.

Father’s Day. It should be such an easy holiday, right? A barbecue, a tie, a homemade card. It wasn’t for me and isn’t for so many and yet now, more than ever, I see the need to celebrate Fatherhood. The work these men are called to is holy. It’s one only they can do. As […]
Thanksgiving Is Rooted In Receiving.

Thanksgiving is upon us and maybe like me you want this season we are ushering in to be MORE. With every passing year, I feel the holy hush enter my soul just a bit earlier. It’s more than just the upcoming holidays filled with family, food and friends. It’s the general lifting of so many […]
How to Change Your Default from Stress to Joy!

I was standing in the park the other day, in California, watching my granddaughter play with another child in a giant sandbox. All of a sudden they decided a “snail hunt” was the next thing to do. They wandered in and out among some small trees and bushes and I moved to be able to […]
- Hope
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The Power of Resting in Our Weaknesses

I don’t know about you but feeling weak is something I am not fond of. When I’m feeling weak it’s usually followed up quickly by the lies of the enemy. Run away. Life is too much for you. No one needs you. You only add to the burden they are bearing. Work as hard as […]
You Were Made to Do Hard and Holy Things!

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about COMFORT. How we like it, how we arrange our lives and our schedules to create as many moments of it as we can get. I am chief among comfort seekers. I love nothing better than a warm fire, cozy blanket and hot drink while being surrounded by my […]
- Hope
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Learning to Breathe Again.

New beginnings and new seasons often begin with a new year. Just like clockwork ours did too. After a night of board games and egg nog, we found ourselves in a cold, sterile ER. What we thought was a stomach bug that was dehydrating my husband was a large mass pressing on his brain. While […]
Anchoring Your Heart: How to find peace in a season of change.

I am caught somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am in the “Season of Change” perhaps you are too. Christmas is over at our house but you can bet I’m going to keep every light and bit of greenery up for a good long while! You see, my son came home from Marine bootcamp at […]
The Treasures Around Us.

It’s paradise, they say, or at least as close as you can get to it! Looking around it would seem so! The vegetation is so lush all around you, every shade of green broken up my bright pinks, creamy whites and bold reds. Sitting on this balcony gazing out at the blue waves that stretch […]