I’ve been thinking a lot lately about COMFORT. How we like it, how we arrange our lives and our schedules to create as many moments of it as we can get. I am chief among comfort seekers. I love nothing better than a warm fire, cozy blanket and hot drink while being surrounded by my […]
lift up your eyes
Goliath Syndrome- Are you counting your soldiers?

Have you ever imagined what you would do in a difficult situation? Or have you made up scenarios of what you would say? You know,kind of like a test run? I don’t know about you but I like to be prepared! I was never a fan of pop quizzes! Tell me in plenty of time […]
How Lent and A Stormy Day Expose Your Heart

Lent, It’s been on my mind the last few days as I have begun a (She Reads Truth )Bible study, from the book of Isaiah. As the Lord has been turning my heart from things of this world toward things of Him, it causes me to rethink even the changing of seasons and how they […]