A wail pierced the air. I looked across the room and saw my youngest gather her baby girl close, kissing her cheeks and telling her all was well. She quieted, reassured that her mother was still there, still watching, protecting and providing for her every need. My daughter and her family have been staying with […]
Anchoring Your Heart: How to find peace in a season of change.

I am caught somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am in the “Season of Change” perhaps you are too. Christmas is over at our house but you can bet I’m going to keep every light and bit of greenery up for a good long while! You see, my son came home from Marine bootcamp at […]
The Treasures Around Us.

It’s paradise, they say, or at least as close as you can get to it! Looking around it would seem so! The vegetation is so lush all around you, every shade of green broken up my bright pinks, creamy whites and bold reds. Sitting on this balcony gazing out at the blue waves that stretch […]
Will it be Faith or Fear?

I’m a little uncomfortable writing this. You see fear is something I have always struggled with. It loves to raise it’s ugly head at me again and again. So, I am no expert on overcoming this rather I am one who gets to exercise this faith muscle often. I know I am not alone in this […]
Open Heart Surgery- The Valentine Gift We All Need.

“Be still my soul, the Lord is on the side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide. In every storm he faithful will remain.” These words from an old hymn by Katherine Von Schlegel have come to me twice in the last week. I was walking […]
How to Move Forward

It was one of those mornings that was so hard to get up. I managed to drag myself up, shower and sit down with a cup of tea and the Word. But it was so hard and everything fought for my attention. Plans for the day and the weariness of yesterday. We drove 10 hours […]
A Walk Towards Finding Freedom

Teach me to number my days O Lord, that I may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12) I was at the end of a walk, climbing up the hill to my house. Even though it’s the beginning of winter, the Lord had given us a reprieve from the bitter cold and it was spring- […]