What Is Your Why?

     Have you ever asked yourself why you are doing what you’re doing? Is it your passion? Is it something you fell into and chose by default? Did someone choose it for you?
     I’m just starting to let myself dream. I feel a bit guilty even typing that word, “Dream”. It feels selfish  and indulgent and like, I surely could be spending my time a better more productive way.
But, I am being challenged lately to reconsider that thought. Emily P. Freeman says it this way, “Pursuing desire is only toxic when we demand our desires be satisfied on our terms and in our timing. As recipients of the new heart of the Spirit, our deepest desire, when honestly realized, will always lead us to God. It takes courage to honestly consider desire in the presence of Jesus.”

     And so this morning as the Spirit drew me back to Philippians 2, I sat in the first view verses once again. Only this time I couldn’t just move on.

“Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if an affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”

I found my “Why” in one verse. This is my desire, Lord! It is why I put pen to paper and string words together on this laptop. My “desire” is one with His desire! I pray that the words that I tap out bring encouragement. It is my desire that you, dear reader, would feel me sitting with you, with  deep affection and compassion for whatever circumstance you might find yourself in. I desire that  the Holy Spirit would join our hearts by the words that He gives, bringing fellowship and consolation. May we walk away from this place where we meet with hearts no longer broken, but rather just a bit bruised. May we be reminded when we revisit those memories or hard places, when our fingers seek out that tender spot, that the hard places were holy places. For even in the unwanted circumstances that life may bring us we find the presence of God. He gathers us in even deeper to His heart, sings words of love over us, sets us back on our feet and sends us out once again intent on one purpose. Living to bring glory to the King!

     This is why I write beloved! What desires lie deep within in your heart,that may be leading you deeper into the Father’s heart, so that you might step out and share them with a hurting world? What is your Why?  

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