Well, we’re officially into the new year and I think we can all see there was no magic reset button to bring all things back to normal. But here’s what I’ve learned in the last six years beloved. NORMAL is overrated. Six years ago today, we stumbled out onto Michigan Avenue after doctors told us […]
new year
Knowing my God > Knowing Myself.

In a world that is all about knowing “who we are” and finding our identity, I realized something today. It doesn’t matter if I know who I am if I don’t know who my God is. Knowing who my God is changes everything. It will change how I interact with Him. It will change my […]
When You Need A Word for the New Year.

As I have been trying to prepare my heart for the New Year or at least New Year’s Eve. My mind is a jumbled mess. My memories are filled with experiences. Thoughts of years past when we played board games, drank eggnog and tried to stay awake for the ball to drop, swirl through my […]