It’s paradise, they say, or at least as close as you can get to it! Looking around it would seem so! The vegetation is so lush all around you, every shade of green broken up my bright pinks, creamy whites and bold reds. Sitting on this balcony gazing out at the blue waves that stretch […]
How To Say, “It is well with my soul,” When Sorrows, Like Sea Billows, Roll.

We went to the beach this past week. It was all the things! It was beautiful. It was fun! It brought back memories of walking with Alan, of watching him throw the frisbee with our children and swim out to the reef for shells. I can still see the top of his head bobbing out […]
How To Find Joy The Day After.

It kind of hit me out of nowhere, this empty feeling. Like all of the joy and excitement had drained away like a tub of water. I expect it the day after Christmas. When December 26 rolls around, there has been such a building up of weeks of anticipation. The world looks different everywhere your […]

Does your soul long for the Lord? Let’s back up a minute. Are you longing for “something”? Do you want someone or something to make your heart and flesh sing? Then you want to keep reading! “How lovely are your dwelling places O Lord of hosts. My soul longed and even yearned for the courts […]