There Is No Bread In The House

No, Really!! There was no bread in the house that day. My son was trying to make his lunch before going in to work and he informed me that there was no bread! Wow! I thought. The least I could do is have bread for him. He’s trying to be responsible, make his own lunch, go to work you know all the right things. It was one of those days where I was quick to see my lack and beat myself up about it rather than giving it to Jesus and asking Him to provide.

It’s okay Mom! I will grab a sandwich somewhere, he said.

I don’t even remember the events that transpired the rest of my day but when my son walked through the door he was filled with excitement! How was your day buddy? I asked. It was awesome! It was so good! We had to go out for lunch you know, and so I asked my boss if I could pray for our lunch.

As he began to share his heart with me of the conversation that unfolded I heard in my Spirit, “Without lack there is no need for me to move.” I began to think of all the times I railed in life because of the lack of something I needed or maybe just wanted, then God… He would sweep in with the most abundant provision that maybe wasn’t even what I asked for or thought I needed but it would fill the lack.

In my son’s case, we lacked physical bread and even though he did get a sandwich that day, what he got because of the lack of a sandwich from home being readily available, was an “opportunity’ to pray and share with his boss the goodness of God, the faithfulness of His presence in His life.

Without lack, there is no need for God to come through for us. 

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances. for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus! (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

I have struggled with that verse sometimes. The pray continually part comes easier for me. I need Him every hour! Truly! However, the “give thanks in all circumstances” is a hard one!! Seriously! There are some circumstances we have walked through I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy and yet…. The lack that has been created has brought me to the feet of Jesus. The ways that God has come through for us have been nothing short of miraculous! Have I gotten everything I wanted? No. I haven’t.

This is what I have realized. I have been reading that verse wrong. I don’t have to give thanks for the circumstances! Because let’s face it, horrible things happen all the time. What I can do is give thanks in the middle of the circumstances!! Why? Because we serve a God that is all about supplying what we lack!


He is all about providing for His people:

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus!” Phil 4:19


He is all about being our safe place:

God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble.” Ps. 46:1-3


He is all about giving us our daily bread to sustain us:

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger and he that believes in me will never thirst.” John 6:35

“Surely God is my help. The Lord is the one who sustains me.“ Ps. 54:4

God is surprised by our lack or how great our need is. He is moved by it! What is our job you ask? To come to Him.

“Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” What do you lack beloved?

11 Replies to “There Is No Bread In The House”

  1. Tara, this is beautiful and proves how God uses us even when we’re breadless to make a way for others–all in His plan! Why do we ever worry with Him in charge! Thank you for another inspirational word. Love to you and your family, Ann

  2. I love you Ann! You live a beautiful bold life of trust in Him and point others to that also! Hugs!

  3. Lola Crouch says: Reply

    This blog entry was especially helpful to me today. I focus on my lack too often and forget that there are countless things I do not lack. I hope to rest in the thought that all that I need he will provide. He always will.

    1. Yes! It is a beautiful thing to rest in, His faithfulness.

  4. […] This beautiful post by Tara Dickson challenged my lack of trust and makes me want to lean in. I will be sitting with this question before the Lord: Is there somewhere that You want me to withdraw so that You can show Your power? […]

  5. Thanks for this…that my lack of ability to be or do is the door to God’s intervening plan.

    1. His truth is always a comfort. 🙂

  6. Love this Tara! Keep writing. ❤️

  7. Becky Rudesill says: Reply

    As tears flow I thank God I know you because through you I heard our Father

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