Father’s Day. It should be such an easy holiday, right? A barbecue, a tie, a homemade card. It wasn’t for me and isn’t for so many and yet now, more than ever, I see the need to celebrate Fatherhood. The work these men are called to is holy. It’s one only they can do. As […]
You Were Made to Do Hard and Holy Things!

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about COMFORT. How we like it, how we arrange our lives and our schedules to create as many moments of it as we can get. I am chief among comfort seekers. I love nothing better than a warm fire, cozy blanket and hot drink while being surrounded by my […]
His Right Hand Held Me.

Have you ever felt like the promises of God are for everyone but you? I was reading in the Psalm this morning and came across Psalm 77, that stilled my hand from turning the page. It was as if David had transcribed the very thoughts and struggles I had in my own mind after my […]
Do You Ever Feel Like God Has Forgotten You?

The countdown has begun. Not that I am actually counting, but I know that it’s less than a week to the one year anniversary of Alan going home and his birthday the following day. That and another family heartache has been weighing heavily on my mind. I stumbled down the stairs this morning made my […]
Day Six- Hope that is Seen is no hope at all!

Hope that is seen is no hope at all. For who hopes for what he already sees? This friends, this one stops me in my tracks. Let’s just take a moment and look at something beautiful. Even these flowers show hope. Once they were but tiny seeds. That were placed in a very dark place. […]