Darkness. Waiting. Feelings of doubt and despair but also the mere bubbling up of a hope not yet dead… The earth trembles, the tomb shakes, and no amount of darkness can hold back the light … the life of CHRIST! It can’t stop there beloved! As this weekend started drawing to a close, my […]
The Treasures Around Us.

It’s paradise, they say, or at least as close as you can get to it! Looking around it would seem so! The vegetation is so lush all around you, every shade of green broken up my bright pinks, creamy whites and bold reds. Sitting on this balcony gazing out at the blue waves that stretch […]
When Joy and Heartbreak Collide.

It’s earlier than usual as I climb into bed. This big, soft empty bed. I try not to go to bed early. I want to be as tired as I can, read, watch something on Netflix, go to bed tired. So tired that I can’t keep my eyes open. Then I am too tired, too […]
When You Need A Word for the New Year.

As I have been trying to prepare my heart for the New Year or at least New Year’s Eve. My mind is a jumbled mess. My memories are filled with experiences. Thoughts of years past when we played board games, drank eggnog and tried to stay awake for the ball to drop, swirl through my […]
October’s Promise

Did you know that just like spring gives us the promise of new life, fall has it’s own sweet promise that it whispers? We see it as we watch a crimson leaf drift quietly to the ground. It’s in the golden light that drifts through the trees of the waning day and in the cool […]
Day Seven: A Joyful Hope – It is possible.

Today calls us out even further into the waters of believing. It goes beyond an attitude of hope to a Joyful Hope. One that is so sure that God is with us that we anticipate with excitement how He is going to show up. I want to be very real and transparent beloved I am […]
What If I Told You I Found The Secret To Aging Gracefully?

I love beautiful things! Don’t we all? We exclaim or sunsets, ocean views, and baby anything! I love that the Lord loves beauty too and He created an amazing world for us to live in. He loves a variety of shapes and colors in people and animals too. Yet as […]