What If I Told You I Found The Secret To Aging Gracefully?

     I love beautiful things! Don’t we all? We exclaim or sunsets, ocean views, and baby anything! I love that the Lord loves beauty too and He created an amazing world for us to live in. He loves a variety of shapes and colors in people and animals too.

      Yet as people we desire to make ourselves more beautiful with each passing day.  It could be something we think about and work at, obsess over or maybe we even neglect it. I mean I just turned 46 and I bought a new eye cream the other day. No sense in looking too old too fast right? It is important to care for our bodies they are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we want to have the good health and energy to serve the Lord daily. In fact I pray for that. 
     Yet age is nothing to be feared in fact after reading this I hope you feel the sweetness in the Lord’s plan. In Isaiah 40:6-8 it says: 

     All flesh is grass, and all it’s loveliness is like the flower of the field. 
     The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it;
     Surely the  people are grass.
    The grass withers, the flower fades,
     But the word of our God stands forever.  

     In a world that doesn’t like aging. Once again our God shows us that His perspective is so very different. When our flesh is withering and our beauty and loveliness is fading we are actually experiencing the breath of the Lord on us! Wow! How many people would flock to sign up to feel the breath of the Lord on them? I bet the line would be out the door! 
     In Genesis 2:7 it says, ” Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. So when God created man, He breathed life into him and as this body begins to decay He is breathing on us once again, bringing us back to Him. 
” Surely the people are grass.” The grass withers the flower fades , BUT the word of our God stands forever! 

     If the only thing that lasts and stands forever is the Word of our God. Then let that be my life’s ambition! Let that be my focus and goal! Let that be the thing that I spend the majority of my time doing,  and thinking about, declaring the Word of the Lord. 
     As people we want to leave a legacy of some kind, many people want to build monuments to know that they left a mark on this world in some way! History shows us that actual physical monuments crumble and fall. But we can leave a living monument. We can declare the Word of the Lord to the next generation and then they can  declare it and on and on it goes.  
     Life on this earth is fleeting and as someone once said, ” Death comes to all of us,” and so it does. 
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works , which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 
Watching my husband transition from this life to the next was something that I cannot even find the words to describe. There was pain in the thought of separation from him but there was also beauty in knowing that he was exhaling earth and inhaling Heaven! Even Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I wish that I had known this verse then. For while I knew that our God was with him the knowledge that He was feeling the very breath of God would have been such a comfort.  

“Comfort, O comfort My people, says your God,”says Isaiah 40:1 and He is our Comfort and our Joy and our Hope!

     His Word changes us forever, it shifts our perspective. It births gratitude in the difficult and beauty in the brokenness. It renovates our hearts. There may be bruising as the things are knocked about, overhauled and the clutter that keeps tripping us up removed. But we are never broken!

One Reply to “What If I Told You I Found The Secret To Aging Gracefully?”

  1. Beautifully said, Tara! Yes, there is much comfort in knowing that God' Wors is forever. ?

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