If you have found yourself waiting and let’s face it, who hasn’t ? There is some good news!

The Early and the Late Rains…
     “Therefore be patient brethren until the coming of the Lord. 
The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.”
James 5:7,8 
     Just like a farmer must be patient for the early and the late rains to take place before the Harvest. We too must be patient . We plant and water and weed and wait. 
     Here is where it gets hard… The wait!

     Waiting has been on my heart a lot lately. I have waited in many situations. I have spent countless hours in waiting rooms and the ER. I have waited weeks and months for test results, hoping for a good report. I have waited on the Lord for rescue in situations I have committed to prayer. I have watched those that I love wait to get pregnant and others wait through adoption.  I have watched others wait on the Lord for answers and direction.   In some things I have seen the fruition of what I have waited for . In others I am still waiting. Waiting is no fun! In fact it feels impossibly hard sometimes. 
     There is a common phrase that says, “ Good things come to those who wait.” The word of the Lord gives even more detail. 
     “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. For evildoers will be cut off. 
But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land. “ 
Psalm 37:9
     “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.”Isaiah 40:31 
     “And I will wait for the Lord….. I will even look eagerly for Him.” Isaiah 8:17
     There is something happening in the waiting! Wait… let me say that again! There is something happening in the waiting!! 
     Just like the farmer waited for the first and the last rains for the harvest to come. We wait, and our waiting is a position of faith that “something” is happening in that dark , dark ground. Some fruit is being born. Not only is something happening in the dark earth. Something is happening in us beloved! We are gaining new strength! We are growing wings so that we can fly! When we must walk in something or even run for awhile in something ( it may even feel like a bit of a marathon) we WILL NOT GROW WEARY!! 
The Lord has birthed a new prayer in me of late. I am still pressing in and praying for Him to rescue me and the one’s I love in various situations however I am also praying that He will make me strong! There are too many times I want to lay down my head and cry,
 “ Have mercy , Lord have mercy!”
Then I remember that I am here for one purpose, to bring glory to my King! I want to share Jesus. I want to bring strength to the weary, to share a cup of refreshing truth with the  traveler who is faint.  And so I pray, “Strengthen me Lord, renew my mind and restore my Spirit as I wait on you.” I trust you that you are growing amazing things in the dark places and when the early and the late rains have fallen the “Harvest”,that you call most precious,will be the most abundantly beautiful yet!

2 Replies to “If you have found yourself waiting and let’s face it, who hasn’t ? There is some good news!”

  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this, as I, too, often find myself waiting. 🙂

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