Suffering comes in all shapes and forms. When we were in the middle of my husband’s battle with brain cancer. It was survival mode. We were doing all the physical things we could to fight this disease, which involved a lot of travel for the two of us. I had to rely on the Lord […]
Goliath Syndrome- Are you counting your soldiers?

Have you ever imagined what you would do in a difficult situation? Or have you made up scenarios of what you would say? You know,kind of like a test run? I don’t know about you but I like to be prepared! I was never a fan of pop quizzes! Tell me in plenty of time […]
Will it be Faith or Fear?

I’m a little uncomfortable writing this. You see fear is something I have always struggled with. It loves to raise it’s ugly head at me again and again. So, I am no expert on overcoming this rather I am one who gets to exercise this faith muscle often. I know I am not alone in this […]
When Joy and Heartbreak Collide.

It’s earlier than usual as I climb into bed. This big, soft empty bed. I try not to go to bed early. I want to be as tired as I can, read, watch something on Netflix, go to bed tired. So tired that I can’t keep my eyes open. Then I am too tired, too […]