Being still and listening to the Spirit’s voice doesn’t happen in one night or one blog post. It is a process.
As hard as these past few weeks have been, there has been a simple beauty in the stripping away of everything else. Don’t get me wrong, the stripping away process is not pain-free. Removing all excess things even good things isn’t always “fun” , and yet, listening to the Spirit guide you and doing things His way is so freeing! It’s the Voice of Truth and Peace!
It feels like peace in it’s leading and it produces peace in the process of obeying.
” He will whisper in our ear, this is the way, walk in it. ( Isaiah 30:21)
We are choosing to walk this path moment by moment , and day by day. This path feels so dark and rocky and then I remember…
He is the light to our path!
You don’t go out into the dark woods and race down an unknown path with only a flashlight to shine on the next step. That would be unwise. There might be a cliff up ahead you may not see in time to stop, or there could be a boulder in the middle of your path.
However, you could walk it ,if you walked slowly, with the light shining on the step right in front of you, able to illuminate treasures on the path.
” Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
What? Treasures? Why in the world would there be treasures strewn about on the middle of a dark path?
Because, dear ones, we serve a Mighty God, who loves us! He is the God who is not willing that any should perish. He has definitely strewn about treasures in our pathways. If we are willing to slow down and listen to His sweet voice, we will be able to see that they are right before us!
I desire to slow down, to listen to His sweet voice, to see the treasures in our pathway. Sometimes those are gifts that remind us to stop and praise Him in the midst of the darkness. Sometimes they are the treasure of being able to participate in the lives of others on our path, that will change us and them forever.
I desire to be changed, transformed more everyday into the woman He has planned for me to be, doing the good works He has already laid out for me to do! ( Eph. 2:10)
If He is a God that is not willing that any should perish? ( and we know that He is ) Could he not also be using this path that seems so very dark as a blessing? An opportunity for us to grow and be transformed even more into the ones who bring that life saving message to others?
Last night I slept on my Mama’s couch. It’s one of the things that was whispered in my heart to do that would ease the hard, for yesterday, at least… I woke up this morning to look down and see that she had gently covered me in the early hours with her beautiful old quilt. It was a comfort to my eyes and my soul. One of those treasures the Lord is helping me to see and STOP and appreciate and give thanks for.
Then I reached for His Word, to speak truth to my heart. This is literally the page it opened to.
For thus says the Lord:
” Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,
And the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream.
Then you shall feed.
On her sides shall you be carried.
And be dandled on her knees.
As one whom his mother comforts,
So I will comfort you;
And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
When you see this, your heart shall rejoice.
And your bones shall flourish like grass;
The hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants .”
*Just as the Lord’s promises to Jerusalem are faithful and will continue to be. He is faithful to us in all things.
As my mother’s hands comforted me , so the Lord says He will comfort us. He will carry us, feed us , even give us those joyful moments like when we were bounced on someone’s knee. When we see the faithfulness of the Lord our hearts rejoice and we flourish! What an awesome thing to see the hand of the Lord at work in our lives. Then the sweetest gift…peace.
Peace will be extended to us like a river! Like a river my friend, not a pond! It is ever flowing!
How are you choosing to be still and listen to the Spirit’s voice? What treasures on your path is He showing you? I would love to hear your heart.