I took a month off podcasting to step back and breathe. As you can see from the date of the last blog post that’s where I’m spending most of my time. You can find similar content to my blogs over at “Seek and Savor, ” on iTunes and other places you tune into your favorite […]
A Truth to Savor When You Need Direction.
I read this verse the other day and I was stuck. I couldn’t go on until I soaked in every bit of it’s life giving truth. “The Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to lead them on their way during the day and in a pillar of fire to give them […]
Finding Rest for Your Soul.
I had just finished teaching my morning classes and my daughter and I were headed out to do a few errands. I stepped out of the car and felt the warm sun kissing my cheeks when this thought came to my mind. . I miss doing something for no reason but the sheer pleasure of […]