New beginnings and new seasons often begin with a new year. Just like clockwork ours did too. After a night of board games and egg nog, we found ourselves in a cold, sterile ER. What we thought was a stomach bug that was dehydrating my husband was a large mass pressing on his brain. While […]
Anchoring Your Heart: How to find peace in a season of change.

I am caught somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am in the “Season of Change” perhaps you are too. Christmas is over at our house but you can bet I’m going to keep every light and bit of greenery up for a good long while! You see, my son came home from Marine bootcamp at […]
When Winter Gives Way to Spring and Death Gives Way to Life – A true story

I love seasons! Don’t you? I get tired of things looking and feeling the same, then the seasons change. Spring, is one of my favorites, bringing with it the feeling of hope. I can’t remember Spring last year. Just as the daffodils were lifting their heads and the trees were sprouting their tiny […]
October’s Promise

Did you know that just like spring gives us the promise of new life, fall has it’s own sweet promise that it whispers? We see it as we watch a crimson leaf drift quietly to the ground. It’s in the golden light that drifts through the trees of the waning day and in the cool […]
Day Six- Hope that is Seen is no hope at all!

Hope that is seen is no hope at all. For who hopes for what he already sees? This friends, this one stops me in my tracks. Let’s just take a moment and look at something beautiful. Even these flowers show hope. Once they were but tiny seeds. That were placed in a very dark place. […]