Father’s Day. It should be such an easy holiday, right? A barbecue, a tie, a homemade card. It wasn’t for me and isn’t for so many and yet now, more than ever, I see the need to celebrate Fatherhood. The work these men are called to is holy. It’s one only they can do. As […]
Thanksgiving Is Rooted In Receiving.

Thanksgiving is upon us and maybe like me you want this season we are ushering in to be MORE. With every passing year, I feel the holy hush enter my soul just a bit earlier. It’s more than just the upcoming holidays filled with family, food and friends. It’s the general lifting of so many […]
- Hope
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Learning to Breathe Again.

New beginnings and new seasons often begin with a new year. Just like clockwork ours did too. After a night of board games and egg nog, we found ourselves in a cold, sterile ER. What we thought was a stomach bug that was dehydrating my husband was a large mass pressing on his brain. While […]
Anchoring Your Heart: How to find peace in a season of change.

I am caught somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am in the “Season of Change” perhaps you are too. Christmas is over at our house but you can bet I’m going to keep every light and bit of greenery up for a good long while! You see, my son came home from Marine bootcamp at […]
Where Do You Belong On Father’s Day When You Don’t Have A Father?

Father’s Day has been a complicated and emotional holiday my entire life. When I was young it was because I did not have a father in the home to celebrate. When I grew older I understood enough to celebrate what I had rather than what I did not have. I celebrated my Papa, who was […]