“Be still my soul, the Lord is on the side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide. In every storm he faithful will remain.” These words from an old hymn by Katherine Von Schlegel have come to me twice in the last week. I was walking […]
Come to Me Beloved, Come to Me.

Come to me… So it’s the middle of October and I can imagine that the fall days that seemed to stretch ahead of you are filling up. You’re beginning to think about all the things that simply must get done before the holidays and you are still carrying in your heart those burdens and concerns […]
Father of My Heart

We live in a broken world. This is no surprise to us but as I get older I see more and more often that as we long for things to be as they were intended to be ,we often carry with us hurt, disappointment and bitterness. Our Father in Heaven had […]

Does your soul long for the Lord? Let’s back up a minute. Are you longing for “something”? Do you want someone or something to make your heart and flesh sing? Then you want to keep reading! “How lovely are your dwelling places O Lord of hosts. My soul longed and even yearned for the courts […]