
     Hello friends, I want to invite you to join me for the month of October on a special journey, A Quest for Hope! If you are receiving this as an email the daily posts will only be coming to your inbox for the month of October. Bear with me.
  After prayerfully considering what the Lord would have me write about, this theme kept coming back to me. Hope, we all need it! It is the staff that we place in front of us to steady our feet and take the next step, believing that God is good and He has good plans for us! I hope you will join me for a short devotional thought each day on Hope! I wish this chat could be in person with a warm cup in our hands so please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. I’m so thankful for the hearts that the Lord is connecting through this.

Day One:  Good morning friends! I am looking forward to starting this journey with you all. This is day one of a” Quest for Hope.” Why, A Quest for Hope?
Because, dear ones the Father tells us over and over to search for Him as if we are searching for treasure! He says we will seek Him and find Him when we seek Him with all of our heart. (Jer. 29:11)

     The word “quest’ means we are on an adventurous and sometimes arduous journey or expedition to find something. In this instance we are looking for Hope. Hope is essential for our hearts. It is to our hearts like water and air is to our bodies. Despite it’s importance to our hearts it is not always an easy thing to find. We can’t just look for it with our eyes. In fact in Rom. 8: 24 scripture tells us that, “ Hope that is seen is no hope at all.” Rather we must look with the eyes of our hearts beloved. Sometimes we will be the light bearers for others to see Hope, and sometimes they will bear the light for us to see it. I will be using words and images that the Lord gives me to tell the Story of Hope. I would love to hear and see the images and thoughts the Lord gives you as well. Please feel free to leave them in the comments section of each post as well as on my FB “Writer’s Page.” https://www.facebook.com/taraelizabethdickson/   We are on this journey together, not alone! And, I am so very glad of that!

3 Replies to “Untitled”

  1. Tara! I am so thankful for this reminder to look at life as more of a quest–an adventure! I am feeling worn out lately, but remembering that life is a quest (for hope, for joy, for grace, for redemption…) reminds me that the exhaustion doesn't necessarily mean I'm doing it wrong. It just means I'm on the adventure!

    Looking forward to reading the rest of your posts this month! 🙂

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart Lindsey! I love that!

  3. Hi Tara. Just stopping by from our little hope*writers voxer group. Yes we certainly do all need hope and so agree that if we look for Him, we will find Him. Thanks for pointing us toward hope through His word and your words. Blessings!

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