When my beloved husband went to Heaven at the age of 45, I felt like life as I knew it was over and I couldn’t imagine how to step forward. In fact, it felt like my own heart had stopped beating with his. But the ache didn’t lie. I was still here with four children […]
Goliath Syndrome- Are you counting your soldiers?

Have you ever imagined what you would do in a difficult situation? Or have you made up scenarios of what you would say? You know,kind of like a test run? I don’t know about you but I like to be prepared! I was never a fan of pop quizzes! Tell me in plenty of time […]
Father of My Heart

We live in a broken world. This is no surprise to us but as I get older I see more and more often that as we long for things to be as they were intended to be ,we often carry with us hurt, disappointment and bitterness. Our Father in Heaven had […]