Sometimes ,I get so bogged down in what I have to do that I proceed head down, full throttle, and don’t see what or who is around me. Sometimes, the questions swirling around in my mind change my prayers from, less of a conversation with the Lord into more of me worrying a situation from every angle. Sometimes, the very thing I long for, more of Jesus and less of me gets lost in the daily stresses I find myself in.
But did you know beloved that your testimony can encourage others? While this seems obvious it can be hard for us to do.
Believe me, I have had multiple conversations with the Lord about this one.
Lord, my story of your faithfulness is still fresh! I haven’t gotten it all figured out yet. I need to wait until I have more words, or am better qualified to tell the story. Oh, Lord what I have experienced doesn’t compare to what others have.
May I be blunt? It is not about us beloved! It just isn’t. It doesn’t matter if your audience is one or 1,000. We are called to be prepared to share the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus. During some of the most trying times in my life the Lord showed me how to find freedom in forgetting myself and serving others. It is hard to think about how worried or stressed you are when you are engaged body and spirit in serving someone else.
As for myself, I love to hear how God has helped his people overcome. It reminds me that He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. That He is still the God who parted the Red Sea when His people were fleeing for their lives, babies on hip, aged parents in tow. He showed up and moved the very thing that was hampering their road to safety. He made a way where there was none!
That is our God beloved and that is why we remind each other by testifying of His greatness and His faithfulness. It grows our faith! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. When the Word is spoken , we hear it and our faith is increased. When we share our testimony of faith, our understanding of every blessing we have in Christ is deepened ( Philemon 1:6) We have spent a week now talking about a believing and joyful hope so today I wanted to share a way to give each other and ourselves an infusion of faith so as to produce more hope! Ask the Lord today, to show you who needs to hear your testimony of God’s faithfulness!