We pulled out of town late yesterday afternoon. Leaving on the spur of the moment with thrown together plans. We knew we needed to leave, to rest, to be together, somewhere else. Making new memories, remembering old ones together, without an agenda,we were just listening to the Spirits voice calling us to come away with Him and ” Be still and know” that he is God.
Reality is just beginning to sink in. Looking in from the outside it may seem that we are at the end of something . But for us it feels like just the beginning. I was thinking of the name of this blog that the Lord put on my heart so many months before I started sharing. “Bruised but not Broken”, like a bruise looks so much worse before it gets better, in some ways our hearts feel so much worse. We KNOW all the things. We BELIEVE! He is good! He is faithful! He won’t leave us or forsake us! He is being glorified! We are being changed from the inside out. AND… our hearts are aching. I can’t remember the last time my chest didn’t physically ache. Sometimes it is a dull tightness and sometimes it so fierce I can’t catch my breath. I think that it is important to be honest. This life the Lord gave us is so real and deep and rich. We aren’t meant to roll with the punches so to speak. We aren’t meant to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. We do know that life goes on. Dishes still have to be washed, there is laundry to be done, death certificates have to be mailed, accounts changed. And yet, if we don’t take the time to “Be still and know” and to listen to all that the Spirit has to tell us, to constantly share our hearts with each other, the aches, the joys , the questions, the answers that His word gives us. Then we are cheating ourselves of all that He would have us take away from the experience.
So today we embark on a time of listening. We are headed to a beautiful place, courtesy of the Lord, to “Be still and Know”. We are headed there via some very dear friends home, who have fed our bodies and our souls. Who have laughed with us and cried with us and prayed with us. While we are here, we are still catching our breaths. We are trying to swallow and we are letting the shards of light pierce the darkness as we let our Great and Mighty God begin to heal our hearts!

To God be the Glory, great things he has done!