I grabbed my stocking cap, pulling it snug over my ears and stepped outside. Pulling my gloves from my pocket I inhaled deeply. “There’s nothing like the crisp clean air of winter,” I thought. Still, the temperature had dropped and it took everything in me to brave the cold. Walking around the bend I passed […]
Finding Jesus In The Nooks and Crannies.

We were walking along the harbor in Beaufort, South Carolina. Well, I was walking, Ava was dancing. The sun was just beginning to set, casting a glow of golden light shimmering across the waters. I found myself sharing with Ava,”It’s beautiful! Look at the beautiful water God gave us, Ava!” Yesterday, it was a spontaneous […]
I Will Not Be Shaken

It’s mid July. Summer’s heat can feel oppressive, it can be that one last straw on the camel’s back. When you are walking through a difficult season of life each “straw” can be monumental. Small things can turn the tide of your day. I have seen it in my own heart and in others. My […]
What Word Can We Say to Jesus When There Are No Words?

“Hosanna”, It has rung in my heart all week! Whenever the Spirit quickens a word in my heart I know He wants me to dig deeper. So I did, and in my digging I found out that Hosanna was originally a cry for deliverance (Ps118:25) it wasn’t until later that it became a declaration of joy […]
The Gate

While strolling down a twisted laneWith clapboard shops stacked high and low I round the bend just one time more And I must stay my steps they slow. I spy a gate before my eyesWeathered and marked by wind and timeBut to me there is beauty in crack and crevice. It’s age adds value and does not diminish. It […]
The Practice of Giving Thanks.

1 Thess. 1:2 says, “ We give thanks to God always for all of you. Bearing in mind your work of faith, labor of love, and steadfast hope in our Lord Jesus… knowing His choice of you. As we begin a Season of “Giving Thanks” It is such an opportunity to not get […]
Day Three of ” A Quest for Hope”

Today I just want to share a prayer with you dear ones. This is a prayer my husband often prayed before He read the Word. “ I pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with light, in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, […]

Day Two: Our God is a God of Hope! What are two things that people in general are looking for? I think you could stop anyone on the street and they would tell you they want happiness. Or at least they would list something they think would make them happy. Another thing they […]

The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name, trust in you, for you, O Lord do not abandon those who search for you. Oppression is when cruel or unjust restraints are placed on someone, it also means that someone has something heavy […]