What Word Can We Say to Jesus When There Are No Words?


It has rung in my heart all week! Whenever the Spirit quickens a word in my heart I know He wants me to dig deeper. So I did, and in my digging I found out that  Hosanna was originally a cry for deliverance (Ps118:25) it wasn’t until  later  that it became a declaration of joy and praise for the deliverance already granted or yet to come! Not only is He  the one who saved us, past tense,  He is present and future deliverer. He is the one who continually saves and sustains us!

Today is the perfect day beloved, to go beyond remembering. As we trace our Saviors steps leading up to the cross let us remember that Jesus willingly chose to lay His life down for us. It was not taken from him. He laid it down amidst much suffering. Because, the Father willingly gave His  son and because Jesus didn’t seek to save His life, but  instead laid it down, we have some very great and precious promises to sustain us, that continue to deliver us.

He is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.- Hebrews 7:25

The Spirit pressed me even deeper. I imagined myself watching Jesus enter into Jerusalem with people around me shouting “Hosanna” and waving palm branches. Why? What are they hoping for? Do they see Him as a King? What are they longing for? As my heart approaches this Resurrection weekend, what am I hoping for? Is is Salvation? Is it deliverance? Is it rescue from all the things that aren’t yet made new?

“For in hope were we saved: but hope that is seen is not hope: for who hopes for that what he sees? But if we hope for that which we do not yet have, then we wait for it patiently.” (Romans 8:24-25).

I begin to see that it is all those things! He has saved me and will save me still! He has rescued me and will rescue again! This gift goes beyond empowering us to praise Him when life is good and all is well.  Hope is what keeps us anchored in the waiting. It reminds us that He is the one who fashioned us with His hands and He holds all the days written for us in them. Hope is the staff that steadies our steps. We place it in front of us and lean heavily on it as we gain strength to pull our footsteps forward. Gaining ground not just in the race but for the kingdom!

1 Peter 1:3 The hope we have is a living hope because of the resurrection of Jesus. While we don’t partake of the full inheritance right now it is reserved in Heaven for us. (v. 4)

We are also given the gift of protection.

We are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (v.5)

Paul says  it this way in (2Tim. 4:17) “The  Lord stood with me and gave me strength!” We do not have to rely on ourselves or our own strength beloved.Rather we recognize that His power is made perfect in our weakness. He is with us, in the victory and in the waiting for the victory!

He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us. (2 Cor. 1:10)

So His Spirit brings us full circle. It began with Jesus and we are brought back to Jesus. We are brought back to  Jesus with the one word  to cry out when we have no words.  Hosanna! Hosanna to the King! Hosanna  to the one who saves, who has delivered and is delivering and will deliver! No words do you justice Jesus, so we cry out in thanksgiving, in hope and in adoration, “Hosanna!” We have set our hope on you!

4 Replies to “What Word Can We Say to Jesus When There Are No Words?”

  1. “It began with Jesus and we are brought back to Jesus. We are brought back to Jesus with the one word to cry out when we have no words.”
    Love this!

    1. Yes! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! There is no other name!

  2. Rebecca Forbes Lewis says: Reply

    You have brought this word to me for the second time this week and if you include its companion word, hallelujah, it’s three. He leads us with his quite voice against the raging of the world and the quite voice overcomes the maelstrom with peace. 🙂

    1. I love that Rebecca! His quiet voice is all we need isn’t it?

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