I don’t know about you but feeling weak is something I am not fond of. When I’m feeling weak it’s usually followed up quickly by the lies of the enemy. Run away. Life is too much for you. No one needs you. You only add to the burden they are bearing. Work as hard as […]
He Still Moves Stones

After a month or more of too many feelings and not enough words, I felt the Spirit’s excavating presence. We survived. We made it through the month of Alan’s birthday and home going. It was 2 years ago that we walked away from the cemetery and retreated to the beach, to walk the shores and […]
How To Say, “It is well with my soul,” When Sorrows, Like Sea Billows, Roll.

We went to the beach this past week. It was all the things! It was beautiful. It was fun! It brought back memories of walking with Alan, of watching him throw the frisbee with our children and swim out to the reef for shells. I can still see the top of his head bobbing out […]
What Word Can We Say to Jesus When There Are No Words?

“Hosanna”, It has rung in my heart all week! Whenever the Spirit quickens a word in my heart I know He wants me to dig deeper. So I did, and in my digging I found out that Hosanna was originally a cry for deliverance (Ps118:25) it wasn’t until later that it became a declaration of joy […]
Father of My Heart

We live in a broken world. This is no surprise to us but as I get older I see more and more often that as we long for things to be as they were intended to be ,we often carry with us hurt, disappointment and bitterness. Our Father in Heaven had […]