In a world that is all about knowing “who we are” and finding our identity, I realized something today. It doesn’t matter if I know who I am if I don’t know who my God is. Knowing who my God is changes everything. It will change how I interact with Him. It will change my […]
The State Of Our Hearts.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, I want to be so intentional. In our family this day has always been so simple. Some chocolates for our children, some flowers for me from my husband and a special home cooked meal. Since I was raised by a single mama, the kids and I would often take flowers to […]
How to Change Your Default from Stress to Joy!

I was standing in the park the other day, in California, watching my granddaughter play with another child in a giant sandbox. All of a sudden they decided a “snail hunt” was the next thing to do. They wandered in and out among some small trees and bushes and I moved to be able to […]
- Hope
- ...
The Power of Resting in Our Weaknesses

I don’t know about you but feeling weak is something I am not fond of. When I’m feeling weak it’s usually followed up quickly by the lies of the enemy. Run away. Life is too much for you. No one needs you. You only add to the burden they are bearing. Work as hard as […]
How To Say, “It is well with my soul,” When Sorrows, Like Sea Billows, Roll.

We went to the beach this past week. It was all the things! It was beautiful. It was fun! It brought back memories of walking with Alan, of watching him throw the frisbee with our children and swim out to the reef for shells. I can still see the top of his head bobbing out […]
How Lent and A Stormy Day Expose Your Heart

Lent, It’s been on my mind the last few days as I have begun a (She Reads Truth )Bible study, from the book of Isaiah. As the Lord has been turning my heart from things of this world toward things of Him, it causes me to rethink even the changing of seasons and how they […]
Will it be Faith or Fear?

I’m a little uncomfortable writing this. You see fear is something I have always struggled with. It loves to raise it’s ugly head at me again and again. So, I am no expert on overcoming this rather I am one who gets to exercise this faith muscle often. I know I am not alone in this […]
How to Move Forward

It was one of those mornings that was so hard to get up. I managed to drag myself up, shower and sit down with a cup of tea and the Word. But it was so hard and everything fought for my attention. Plans for the day and the weariness of yesterday. We drove 10 hours […]
A Walk Towards Finding Freedom

Teach me to number my days O Lord, that I may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12) I was at the end of a walk, climbing up the hill to my house. Even though it’s the beginning of winter, the Lord had given us a reprieve from the bitter cold and it was spring- […]
When You Need A Word for the New Year.

As I have been trying to prepare my heart for the New Year or at least New Year’s Eve. My mind is a jumbled mess. My memories are filled with experiences. Thoughts of years past when we played board games, drank eggnog and tried to stay awake for the ball to drop, swirl through my […]