Lent, It’s been on my mind the last few days as I have begun a (She Reads Truth )Bible study, from the book of Isaiah.
As the Lord has been turning my heart from things of this world toward things of Him, it causes me to rethink even the changing of seasons and how they might turn my eyes towards Him. How might I prepare my heart to be mindful of the Resurrection of Christ?
Often we use this time to turn away from some things we normally partake of in order to turn our eyes more fully on Him. I started praying, “Is there something you are calling me to fast from Lord? Show me and I will do it. I don’t want to pick some random thing so that I can check “fasting” off my list. Beloved, I see the value in fasting more every day and yet today, I felt the Lord calling me to be more fully aware. To be intentional about the fact that I am dust. We are made of dust and to dust we shall return.
To look very clearly at the state of my heart B.C. and A. C. ( That’s Before Christ and After Christ.)
This morning I had just opened my eyes a few minutes before, when I heard loud thunder and moments later tree branches falling on our deck and tiny bits of ice hitting my bedroom window. It wasn’t long before the tornado sirens went off and I quickly roused my children to go downstairs. This day did not begin the way I expected. My normal, morning routine was messed up. Because of the ongoing storm it pulled the reins on any plans and slowed down my body and mind. I lingered over my coffee and chatted with my son. I had time to think amidst the quiet, broken only by a crash of thunder here and there. The sky was dark and stormy as I opened up the Word and I felt the weight in my spirit of all things unresolved. I was praying for friends walking through the same storm we had just walked through with Alan. I was wondering about all the longings God has placed within our hearts to breathe His words of life. I was considering the hearts of women who have shared their own deep griefs with me and aching to see them walk in Hope! My heart felt like the branches on the trees outside,bent by the power of the storm surrounding them, yet held fast because of the tree they are a part of . I remembered that I am no longer like the limbs that are dry and brittle that once blown on, crash to the earth. I began to look at the rivers of rain streaming down from the sky and across our grass and I could picture in my minds eye the lovely creek I like to walk by and how full it must be from the downpour.
This image was so vivid but the Spirits words were more so.
“With Jesus only, is it possible to go from an empty, dry place to one that is no longer empty and dry but FULL to the brim. It’s banks exploding with all the goodness the Lord fills us with.
I began to examine my heart before I had focused my gaze on him this morning and I realized this…
Left to ourselves we may be depressed,scared, alone and downtrodden but;
Filled with Him we become streams of Living Water, overflowing the banks of our own lives , and reaching out to water the dry places around us.
Strength doesn’t come from myself. It comes from realizing how broken I am. It comes from examining my heart B.C. and then looking at it A.C.
Strength comes from realizing that His power is made perfect in my weakness-2 Cor. 12:9
Strength comes from realizing that He is my strength in times of trouble-Ps. 37:39
Strength comes from realizing that I can do all things through Him and with Him all things are possible.- Phil. 4:13, Mt. 19:26
Strength comes from resting in Him being my light, my salvation and my strength so that I don’t have to be afraid. – Ps. 27:1
Strength comes from knowing that He has given me, power , love and a sound mind. – 2Tim.1:7
It comes from knowing that we are dust and to dust we will return, that we remember that we are mere vessels. We are crafted on His wheel, fashioned by the Father’s loving hands, created for the good works He has planned for us.
It is in looking clearly, maybe even daily, at the state of our hearts B.C. and A.C so that we are remade. It is in recognizing our desperate need for a Savior and birthing in us a desperate need to share Him with others.
I invite you to join me in gazing into your own heart. So that you might be filled once again with knowledge of His goodness that will fill you to the brim and burst the banks of your heart pouring onto those around you.
John 7: 38 “ To the one who believes in Me, it is just as the scripture has said, ‘Streams of living water will flow from within him.’ “
Oh, I love the Jesus that lives large in you! Yes, strength in Him, dust in us. He formed us to praise Him, and so we shall. Thank you for your beautiful reminders!
Once again, beautiful words that help usher in life to others.
on my .. timely.
thank you ♥
oH my .. not on my. oops.
So glad it was!
Amen. It’s in the quiet times of reflection that I feel the most hope–mostly because I focus on all the Lord has done in my life and all he has planned for me (which frankly scares me some days).
Yes, I totally get it! He equips us for the things he has planned for us! 🙂