After a month or more of too many feelings and not enough words, I felt the Spirit’s excavating presence. We survived. We made it through the month of Alan’s birthday and home going. It was 2 years ago that we walked away from the cemetery and retreated to the beach, to walk the shores and […]
How Lent and A Stormy Day Expose Your Heart

Lent, It’s been on my mind the last few days as I have begun a (She Reads Truth )Bible study, from the book of Isaiah. As the Lord has been turning my heart from things of this world toward things of Him, it causes me to rethink even the changing of seasons and how they […]
What Does Courage Look Like?

The trees on my morning walk are changing. The last of the bright red leaves are bravely clinging to their branches, while the ground is covered in every autumn hue. With each gust of wind they rain down, a fresh blanket for my feet to crush in the passing. As the […]
How To Find Peace During the Holidays, Or Any Day.

Sitting on a chaise lounge wrapped in the fluffiest robe you can imagine, sipping on hot tea and gazing out the window at beautiful evergreen trees. Their spiny tips crammed full of clusters of pine cones. I drag in a deep shaky breath and let out a huge sigh. Immediately my thoughts start […]
Come Away With Me On A Walk To Remember

As Anne of Green Gables would say, “I’ve come to invite you on one of our old time rambles.” I wanted to invite you, dear readers, into the walk I took in the mountains today. How appropriate that the Lord would take me away to the mountains to be with him. Alan’s place. I […]
Day Seven: A Joyful Hope – It is possible.

Today calls us out even further into the waters of believing. It goes beyond an attitude of hope to a Joyful Hope. One that is so sure that God is with us that we anticipate with excitement how He is going to show up. I want to be very real and transparent beloved I am […]

Does your soul long for the Lord? Let’s back up a minute. Are you longing for “something”? Do you want someone or something to make your heart and flesh sing? Then you want to keep reading! “How lovely are your dwelling places O Lord of hosts. My soul longed and even yearned for the courts […]