Well, we’re officially into the new year and I think we can all see there was no magic reset button to bring all things back to normal. But here’s what I’ve learned in the last six years beloved. NORMAL is overrated. Six years ago today, we stumbled out onto Michigan Avenue after doctors told us […]
Love for the Fatherless Ones.

Father’s Day. It should be such an easy holiday, right? A barbecue, a tie, a homemade card. It wasn’t for me and isn’t for so many and yet now, more than ever, I see the need to celebrate Fatherhood. The work these men are called to is holy. It’s one only they can do. As […]
Thanksgiving Is Rooted In Receiving.

Thanksgiving is upon us and maybe like me you want this season we are ushering in to be MORE. With every passing year, I feel the holy hush enter my soul just a bit earlier. It’s more than just the upcoming holidays filled with family, food and friends. It’s the general lifting of so many […]
- Hope
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How To Move Forward, When Life Feels Broken Beyond Repair.

When my beloved husband went to Heaven at the age of 45, I felt like life as I knew it was over and I couldn’t imagine how to step forward. In fact, it felt like my own heart had stopped beating with his. But the ache didn’t lie. I was still here with four children […]
- Hope
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The Power of Resting in Our Weaknesses

I don’t know about you but feeling weak is something I am not fond of. When I’m feeling weak it’s usually followed up quickly by the lies of the enemy. Run away. Life is too much for you. No one needs you. You only add to the burden they are bearing. Work as hard as […]
- New Beginnings
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Before You Ring in the New Year!

I grabbed my stocking cap, pulling it snug over my ears and stepped outside. Pulling my gloves from my pocket I inhaled deeply. “There’s nothing like the crisp clean air of winter,” I thought. Still, the temperature had dropped and it took everything in me to brave the cold. Walking around the bend I passed […]
Sometimes In Being Undone, We Are Made New!

I woke up this morning to a cold house! Sometime in the last two days our heater stopped working downstairs. I found out yesterday my car needs big, repairs before it can pass the emissions test I need to renew my tags, and my body is feeling the after effects from a stomach virus. I […]
Your King Is Coming!

It’s 21 days until Christmas and I am grasping for that Christmas feeling. Yes, I have the tree up, the Christmas music has been playing for a while now. I am even hoping for some snow. But, current events have left me feeling a bit deflated. We’ve experienced so much change the last couple of […]
Finding Jesus In The Nooks and Crannies.

We were walking along the harbor in Beaufort, South Carolina. Well, I was walking, Ava was dancing. The sun was just beginning to set, casting a glow of golden light shimmering across the waters. I found myself sharing with Ava,”It’s beautiful! Look at the beautiful water God gave us, Ava!” Yesterday, it was a spontaneous […]
How To Help Our Children Navigate Suffering.

Suffering comes in all shapes and forms. When we were in the middle of my husband’s battle with brain cancer. It was survival mode. We were doing all the physical things we could to fight this disease, which involved a lot of travel for the two of us. I had to rely on the Lord […]