I woke up this morning to a cold house!
Sometime in the last two days our heater stopped working downstairs. I found out yesterday my car needs big, repairs before it can pass the emissions test I need to renew my tags, and my body is feeling the after effects from a stomach virus.
I am out of sorts and a bit undone.
I grabbed some coffee and a blanket and my Bible fell open to this…
“A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish!”
Cue the tears and a great big lump in my throat!
Oh, yes Father!
This is why you spoke “Bruised But, Not Broken” over me as I began writing again. It’s a truth not just for today but every day.
Because, I don’t care how wonderful your life may be going beloved! We all have days we feel bruised and battered by life and it’s circumstances. But we are not broken.
The enemy tries to tell us we are alone and forgotten. Just like he came to Eve in the garden, whispering lies to her soul. Trying to lead her astray from the one great lover of her soul.
He does this with us. He uses whatever he can to divide our hearts.
We start to pull back and keep a piece of ourselves for ourselves, as if our God is not to be trusted with all of us. We begin to question whether our God truly is good and has good for us.
Yet, his Word our hope renews.
Isaiah 42:16 says,
I will lead the blind by a way they do not know.
In paths they do not know I will guide them.
I will make darkness into light before them
And rugged places into plains.
These are the things I will do,
And I will not leave them undone.”
He will not leave us undone! It’s a temporary state! We need not be overcome by the darkness that surrounds us. It is light to him. When we know not, what way to go, he leads us. He takes us by the hand though we feel blind.
Let this one thought renew our strength. That, He will not leave us!
Hi Tara, loved your post today. I am going through a divorce from a less than three year marriage which left me with a six figure debt to figure out, took an early retirement package that I really didn’t want to take but knew it was the better choice, and will be on the lookout for a new job next year. Talk about feeling a bit out of sorts! Lol! But God is good. He continues to put people in my path, messages (like yours) in my view, and friends who are there if I need someone to talk to. He is teaching me, at 57, to completely surrender to His plan. I’m scared but excited!! God bless you on your journey!!
Tina Casteleyn
So much going on for you Tina and yet God has enabled you to see that He is still good and for you! Praying for a good new job and much joy in being led by your Faithful Father! – Tara