What Are You Wearing?

     I have been thinking a lot about how we view ourselves. This week my youngest daughter got a job at a clothing store. She loves all things fashion but she loves people even more. We have had several discussions about what a huge privilege it is to be able to work the dressing room area. Because she has the opportunity when people are feeling the most critical about themselves to speak life, encouragement and blessing over them. 

     Isn’t it interesting how we may be having a bad day and when someone takes the time to complement or build us up no matter how trivial the matter we seem to get a bounce in our step or a smile on our face? Sometimes beloved we need to remember who we are and what we are dressed in. It truly can change everything! 
“I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God. For he has dressed me with the garments of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness.”
“To all who mourn He will give a crown of beauty for ashes and garments of praise instead of a spirit of despair. ” (Isaiah 61)

     If I could dear ones I would love to invite you over for coffee or tea. There is one stipulation though. When you enter you must leave what you’re wearing at the door. 
Leave your;
I’m not good enough, tall enough, thin enough, smart enough. I’m not outgoing enough, I’m too outgoing, I’m just not….
     Because beloved when you put your hope in Jesus, when you make Him your Lord there is no lack! He has already given you everything you need for life and godliness! (2 Peter 1:3) He has dressed you in garments of salvation and draped you in a robe of righteousness! You are royalty! 

     For those of you who feel broken, He has given you a crown of beauty in place of those ashes of broken dreams, broken hearts and broken bodies. No longer need you feel despair! He has placed new garments of praise on you. This clothing is not restricted to the church building beloved.You don’t leave them there when you walk out the door. No you wear them everywhere. This is a feeling you can take with you when you go home Sunday. Because it is more than a feeling, it is TRUTH. I don’t know of anyone who would turn down a  free wardrobe. That dear ones is what you have been given. He paid for it, all of it and we somehow have forgotten. Oh, how we forget. But He is so patient, and He would have you remember! You are beautiful, his masterpiece, his work of art, his beloved, his bride. He has adorned you as a bride. (Isaiah 61) So lift your head, and remember what you are wearing and I will too.

One Reply to “What Are You Wearing?”

  1. So so good! And, puhleaze, I want that coffee mug! ?
    PS: your verse from Matthew was life words for me this morning!

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