Remember the parable of the sower? I remember hearing it for years and thinking, “ Well, I am a believer so I must have good soil in my heart.” That immediately ended anything good I could glean from hearing the Word and applying it to my heart. Beloved, as long as we are living it’s […]
When Winter Gives Way to Spring and Death Gives Way to Life – A true story
I love seasons! Don’t you? I get tired of things looking and feeling the same, then the seasons change. Spring, is one of my favorites, bringing with it the feeling of hope. I can’t remember Spring last year. Just as the daffodils were lifting their heads and the trees were sprouting their tiny […]
His Right Hand Held Me.
Have you ever felt like the promises of God are for everyone but you? I was reading in the Psalm this morning and came across Psalm 77, that stilled my hand from turning the page. It was as if David had transcribed the very thoughts and struggles I had in my own mind after my […]
Do You Ever Feel Like God Has Forgotten You?
The countdown has begun. Not that I am actually counting, but I know that it’s less than a week to the one year anniversary of Alan going home and his birthday the following day. That and another family heartache has been weighing heavily on my mind. I stumbled down the stairs this morning made my […]
A Walk Towards Finding Freedom
Teach me to number my days O Lord, that I may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12) I was at the end of a walk, climbing up the hill to my house. Even though it’s the beginning of winter, the Lord had given us a reprieve from the bitter cold and it was spring- […]
Cultivating A Heart of Thanksgiving.
Every November the landscape changes just a bit. I’m not talking about how the trees start to shed their glorious leaves but rather the fabric of our thoughts and conversations start to alter. We begin to share the things we are thankful for on social media. We talk about abundance of food, family and good […]
What Are You Wearing?
I have been thinking a lot about how we view ourselves. This week my youngest daughter got a job at a clothing store. She loves all things fashion but she loves people even more. We have had several discussions about what a huge privilege it is to be able to work the dressing […]
He chose you.
Three powerful words. He chose you! (1Thess. 1:2) This was the last part of our verse yesterday but oh beloved I couldn’t go on! How could we keep going without noticing the power of those three words? We all know what an incredible feeling it is to be chosen! And if you are thinking to yourself, […]
Day Four- Hope Against Hope
Abraham was a man who showed us what it means to have HOPE. In Rom. 4:18, we are reminded that , “ In hope against hope, Abraham believed, so that he might become a father of many nations, according to that which had been spoken. On Day 3 we were reminded […]