“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. “ Ps. 94:19 How to empty your heart of anxiety. I know that sounds too good to be true! Am I an expert on this? That depends on how you look at it. I have had more than my fair share of things […]
- Hope
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The Power of Resting in Our Weaknesses

I don’t know about you but feeling weak is something I am not fond of. When I’m feeling weak it’s usually followed up quickly by the lies of the enemy. Run away. Life is too much for you. No one needs you. You only add to the burden they are bearing. Work as hard as […]
- Hope
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Learning to Breathe Again.

New beginnings and new seasons often begin with a new year. Just like clockwork ours did too. After a night of board games and egg nog, we found ourselves in a cold, sterile ER. What we thought was a stomach bug that was dehydrating my husband was a large mass pressing on his brain. While […]
Will it be Faith or Fear?

I’m a little uncomfortable writing this. You see fear is something I have always struggled with. It loves to raise it’s ugly head at me again and again. So, I am no expert on overcoming this rather I am one who gets to exercise this faith muscle often. I know I am not alone in this […]
How To Find Peace During the Holidays, Or Any Day.

Sitting on a chaise lounge wrapped in the fluffiest robe you can imagine, sipping on hot tea and gazing out the window at beautiful evergreen trees. Their spiny tips crammed full of clusters of pine cones. I drag in a deep shaky breath and let out a huge sigh. Immediately my thoughts start […]
Day Four- Hope Against Hope

Abraham was a man who showed us what it means to have HOPE. In Rom. 4:18, we are reminded that , “ In hope against hope, Abraham believed, so that he might become a father of many nations, according to that which had been spoken. On Day 3 we were reminded […]
Day Three of ” A Quest for Hope”

Today I just want to share a prayer with you dear ones. This is a prayer my husband often prayed before He read the Word. “ I pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with light, in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, […]